Nokia 100G ZR4 compatibility tests
Enabling customers’ existing Nokia equipment to reach 100G connection over up to 80 km distance is a recent Proof of Concept for older equipment supporting new advancements in optical transceivers and maximizing already made investments.
Goal of Nokia 100G ZR4 compatibility test was to achieve and maintain a Stable 100G Link over 80 km distance between Nokia 7210 SAS-Sx, Nokia 7750 SR1 and Nokia 7250 IXR.
Transceiver of choice was 100G-QSFP28-80 transceiver with integrated Receiver SOA (Semiconductor Optical Amplifier) for below 6.0 W [worst case] power consumption.
Once transceivers and OS2 optical fibers are connected, test environment was ready.
100G-QSFP28-80-NK (3HE11239AA) transceivers were recognized by all of Nokia equipment [Output below]:
Nokia SAS-Sx:
Nokia SR1:
Devices were tested for 24 hours at maximum throughput 103.125Gb/s aggregate bit rate.
Proof of Concept that Nokia SAS-Sx, Nokia SR and Nokia IXR devices can support 100G ZR4 [100G-QSFP28-80] transceiver for up to 80km communication links with up to 103.125 Gbps data throughput with DDM/DOM support.
Additionally, other Nokia SAS-Sx, SR1 and IXR compatible 100G QSFP28 Optics are available:
100G ER4 3HE11239AA for up to 40 km links (Alcatel (Nokia) compatible transceivers);
100G ER4 100G-QSFP28-40 for up to 40 km links (MSA compatible transceivers);
100G LR4 100G-QSFP28-10 for up to 10 km links.
100G SR4 100G-QSFP28-100 for short range links.